Sunday, June 15, 2008

Box Office Hit Barack Hussein Obama : Raising The Mammoth!

Barack Hussein Obama : Raising The Mammoth!

Do any of you remember a few years back when the Discovery Channel aired it’s special

Raising The Mammoth?” Well, I sure as hell do.

Raising the Mammoth

I don’t remember exactly how long Discovery promoted this much anticipated television event but it sure as heck seemed like it went on for at least a year. They had advertisements in every issue of their magazine, during every commercial break on their network. They had intense, dramatic and very well produced TV ads running on practically any channel you ‘clicked’ to. They advertised in news-papers, radio, flyers . . .they even got local papers to pick up the story.

As the “television event”, (and that is what they built it into, an actual ‘event’) drew near the ads became even more intense. TV ads were turned into “mini-epics”. The “promotion” of this “Mammoth Event” seemed to dwarf any and all programming on TV for the entire season. The phrasing and verbiage changed as well.

Discovery began by “suggesting” you would or should watch. They suggested “others” would be watching. They “implied” it could be a “television event”. They suggested the program would change TV, change your thinking!

Around the last month of the promotion and “hype” they were literally “Telling You” that you “could not miss this television event!” They were “telling you” that you were going to watch. They were telling you that “The World” would be watching. They were telling you that is was going to “change your thinking . . . forever!”


Sheridan Folger 

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